2022年12月23日 In our center, Bentall operation is the most practiced for the treatment of ascending aortic aneurysms, accounting for over 90% of aortic interventions, with an
MoreThe Button Bentall Procedure. Nicholas T. Kouchoukos, MD, Marc Haynes, BSN, RN, and Joshua N. Baker, MD. Since the initial description of the composite valve-graft
MoreBentall 手术是一种心脏手术,涉及主动脉瓣、主动脉根部和升主动脉的复合移植物置换,并将冠状动脉重新植入移植物中。 该手术用于治疗主动脉瓣和升主动脉的联合疾病,包括与马凡综合征相关的病变。 Bentall 手术于 1968 年由 Hugh Bentall 和 Antony De Bono 首次描述。 它被认为是需要主动脉根部置换的个人的标准,并且绝大多数接受手术的人都接受机
More2023年2月1日 Bentall手术即应用带人造瓣膜(生物瓣或机械瓣膜)的人造血管替换升主动脉根部和主动脉瓣膜,并移植左、右冠状动脉的手术。 又称“带主动脉瓣人工血管升主动
More1 资料与方法. 1.1 一般资料. 选取100 例、2020 年7 月~2023 年7月期间收治的TAAD 患者。 纳入标准:1均经全主动脉CT造影检查确诊为TAAD,且冠状动脉开口、主动脉瓣等部位均
More2015年10月26日 The proposed modification of the Bentall technique seems to minimize late intra-operative blood loss, improves homeostasis, shortens the operation time and is associated with excellent long-term outcomes in patients undergoing composite graft replacement of the aortic root.
More2016年5月1日 The Bentall procedure is considered the gold standard in the treatment of patients requiring aortic root replacement. An up-to-date overview of outcomes after the
MoreThe Bentall procedure is a type of cardiac surgery involving composite graft replacement of the aortic valve, aortic root, and ascending aorta, with re-implantation of the coronary arteries into the graft. This operation is used to treat combined disease of the aortic valve and ascending aorta, including lesions associated with Marfan syndrome. The Bentall procedure was first described in 1968 by Hugh Bentall and Antony De Bono. It is considered a standard for individuals who requir
More2023年1月10日 The Bentall procedure is a surgical technique used in the management of aortic root abnormalities with ascending aorta and aortic valve issues. The present study
MoreThis technique, coupled with the development of polyester aortic grafts that were impervious to blood, eliminated the need for wrapping of the aortic wall around the graft, and permitted an open anastomosis of the aortic graft
MoreThe Bentall procedure is a type of cardiac surgery involving composite graft replacement of the aortic valve, aortic root, and ascending aorta, with re-implantation of the coronary arteries into the graft. This operation is used to treat combined disease of the aortic valve and ascending aorta, including lesions associated with Marfan syndrome.
MoreSaignement: Les saignements excessifs pendant ou après la chirurgie de Bentall constituent un risque critique, nécessitant potentiellement des transfusions sanguines ou des interventions supplémentaires.. Infection: Les infections du site chirurgical ou les infections systémiques, y compris l'endocardite bactérienne, présentent un risque
MoreOn July 20, 2015, a systematic literature search was conducted in EMBASE, MEDLINE, The Cochrane Collaboration, and Web of Science ().All studies published from January 1998 onward were screened by 2 independent
More2022年12月23日 Aim: To analyze early and mid-term outcomes of the Bentall operation.Methods: Two hundred and seventeen patients (mean age 65.6 ± 15.9 years, males/females 172/45) underwent Bentall operation in a 7-year period (January 2015–December 2021), on average, 30 Bentall operations occurred per year, using
MoreRuby Bentall Facts: *She moved Petersham with her family when she was eight. *Her younger sister Edith is the lead vocalist of the band ‘FOURS’. *Currently, she resides in London. *Follow her on Twitter. “I think my parents were worried when I said I wanted to be an actress, but they also understood what that feeling is like.
More2014年10月1日 Nearly a decade later, Hugh Bentall described his modification, and provided a name that would leave a lasting mark on aneurysmal surgery. In the decades to follow, numerous innovative surgeons improved on these original procedures to allow for a more reliable and consistent operation.
MoreBentall fue semejante a la registrada en otros centros espe-cializados. Los eventos relacionados con la patología aórti-ca, técnica quirúrgica, prótesis valvular aórtica y la disfunción ventricular izquierda, obligan a realizar estudios de segui-miento a largo plazo. Palabras clave: Procedimiento de Bentall, aneurisma de aor-
More2020年2月12日 The Bentall procedure was originally described in 1968 by Bentall and De Bono for treatment of a dilated aortic root with aortic incompetence [] and involves replacement of the aortic valve, root and ascending aorta.Since that seminal paper, the Bentall procedure has undergone many evolutions (Table 34.1), such as the “Cabrol
More2023年2月1日 Bentall手术是指应用带有人造心脏瓣膜的人造血管,也就是带瓣管道来替换主动脉瓣和升主动脉,并将左右冠状动脉开口,移植于人造血管根部侧孔,又称复合带瓣管道手术,是Bentall最早于1968年报道,手术明显提高主动脉根部病变手术的成功率,开创主动脉外科的新纪元,因此而命名为Bentall手术。
More2018年9月29日 El procedimiento Bentall o cirugía Bentall es una operación que se realiza para corregir el mal funcionamiento de la aorta. Es una cirugía del corazón que implica el reemplazo compuesto de la raíz aórtica, la válvula aórtica y la aorta ascendente, con la reinserción de las arterias coronarias en el nuevo accesorio o injerto.
More2021年3月3日 First described in 1968 by Hugh Bentall and Antony De Bono,1 the Bentall procedure is a well-established surgical technique for replacement of the aortic valve, aortic root, and ascending aorta with a composite graft. The Bentall procedure and its modifications represent an established approach to treating various pathologies of the aortic root, with
MoreThe Bentall procedure is a surgical repair of an ascending aortic or aortic root aneurysm in combination with aortic valve disease. Less commonly, it is used to repair aortic dissection affecting the aortic root and valve. During the procedure, a composite aortic valve graft is used to replace the p
More2021年11月6日 In the bio-Bentall group, the rate of freedom from cardiac events was 100% at 5 years, and the rates at 5 and 10 years in the mechanical Bentall group were 93.8% and 76.8%, respectively (one sudden death, one congestive heart failure, two reoperations due to prosthetic valve endocarditis, two cerebral hemorrhages, and one cerebral embolism).
MoreLa cirugía de Bentall de Bono, es una triple cirugía cardiaca que debe su nombre a los cirujanos que describieron esta técnica, en Londres en el año 1968: Hugh Bentall y Antony de Bono. La cirugía se indica, para reemplazar la raíz aortica cuando ella esta dilatada.
More2017年4月11日 In 1994, we abandoned the original Bentall procedure and began the ‘button technique’ known also as ‘modified Bentall procedure’ [3, 4]. In case of difficult coronary mobilization such as extreme aortic dilatation or reoperation, the Cabrol technique [ 5 ] was preferred (7 patients, 2.5%).
More2023年2月1日 Bentall手术是指应用带有人造心脏瓣膜的人造血管,也就是带瓣管道来替换主动脉瓣和升主动脉,并将左右冠状动脉开口,移植于人造血管根部侧孔,又称复合带瓣管道手术,是Bentall最早于1968年报道,手术明显提高主动脉根部病变手术的成功率,开创主动脉外科的新纪元,因此而命名为Bentall手术。
MoreThe Bentall Centre has over 1,900 car parking spaces in three secure car parks for its visitors – Car Parks A B and Seven Kings Car Park. FIND OUT MORE. What’s On. SEE WHAT’s ON. TODAY. Beyblade Event at The Entertainer 26/08/2024 – Event. NEXT WEEK. The
More2005年11月14日 bentall Operation. 1. 정의. 대동맥륜의 확장으로 인해 대동맥 판막 폐쇄부전이 동반된 ascending aortic dissection의 경우 상행대동맥과 대동맥판막을. 복합 이식편 을 통해 동시에 치환시키는 수술법. 2. 용어 정리. 복합 이식편 composite graft : 심장판막을 포함하고 있는 인조 ...
MoreA cirurgia preconizada para correção de ectasia ânulo âortica é a operação de Bentall e De Bono. A associação desta doença com aterosclerose coronária é infreqüente. Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente de 57 anos portadora dessa associação, que foi submetida à cirurgia de Bentall e De Bono com concomitante revascularização do miocárdio.
More2020年9月23日 Bentall procedure is performed for the repair of ascending aortic root lesions. Typically the native aortic root and aortic valve are replaced with a composite graft that comprises both ascending aortic and aortic valve grafts, to which the coronary arteries are anastomosed.. Complications post procedure. Recognized complications include ...